God’s omniscience

God’s omniscience refers to the theological concept that God is all-knowing. This attribute is fundamental in many religious traditions, especially within Christianity, and encompasses several key aspects:

  1. Comprehensive Knowledge: God’s omniscience means that He knows everything—past, present, and future. This includes all thoughts, intentions, and actions of every individual.
  2. Intimate Understanding: God’s knowledge is not merely factual; it is also relational. He understands the hearts and minds of people, their motivations, and the complexities of their lives.
  3. No Limitations: Unlike human knowledge, which is often limited and prone to error, God’s knowledge is complete and perfect. There are no boundaries to what He knows.
  4. Foreknowledge: Omniscience includes the idea that God knows what will happen in the future. This foreknowledge is often discussed in relation to human free will and the sovereignty of God, raising questions about how predestination and free will coexist.
  5. Moral Authority: Because God knows all things, He is seen as the ultimate judge of morality. His knowledge informs His judgments and decisions regarding justice and righteousness.
  6. Comfort and Assurance: Many believers find comfort