Jesus Is Lord

Here’s a comprehensive Bible study outline focused on “The Holy Spirit and the Lordship of Jesus.” This study will explore the relationship between the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ authority, emphasizing how the Spirit reveals Jesus and empowers believers to live under His lordship.

Bible Study Outline: The Holy Spirit and the Lordship of Jesus


  • Purpose: Introduce the theme of the Holy Spirit’s role in affirming and empowering the lordship of Jesus in the lives of believers.
  • Icebreaker: Share personal experiences of how you have felt the guidance of the Holy Spirit in recognizing Jesus’ authority.

Scripture Readings

  1. 1 Corinthians 12:3: “No one can say ‘Jesus is Lord’ except by the Holy Spirit.”
  • Discuss the significance of this statement regarding the acknowledgment of Jesus’ lordship.
  1. John 14:16-17, 26: Jesus promises the Holy Spirit as the Helper who will teach and remind believers of His words.
  • Reflect on the role of the Holy Spirit in revealing the truth about Jesus.
  1. Romans 8:9-11: The indwelling of the Holy Spirit as essential for belonging to Christ.
  • Discuss how the Holy Spirit confirms Jesus’ lordship in believers’ lives.
  1. Acts 1:8: Jesus instructs His followers that they will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon them.
  • Explore how this empowerment is tied to the mission of proclaiming Jesus as Lord.
  1. Galatians 5:22-23: The fruits of the Spirit as evidence of a life submitted to Jesus’ lordship.
  • Discuss how living by the Spirit reflects the authority of Jesus in one’s life.

Discussion Points

  1. The Nature of Jesus’ Lordship
  • What does it mean for Jesus to be Lord? Explore biblical definitions and implications of His lordship.
  • Discuss how acknowledging Jesus as Lord affects a believer’s life and choices.
  1. The Holy Spirit as Revealer of Truth
  • Reflect on how the Holy Spirit helps believers understand and accept Jesus’ authority.
  • Share experiences of how the Holy Spirit has revealed truths about Jesus in your own life.
  1. Empowerment through the Holy Spirit
  • Discuss how the Holy Spirit equips believers to live under Jesus’ lordship and fulfill His commands.
  • Explore examples of empowerment in the early church (Acts 2, Acts 4:31).
  1. Living Out the Lordship of Jesus
  • What are practical ways to submit to Jesus’ lordship in daily life?
  • Discuss how the Holy Spirit helps believers manifest Jesus’ lordship through their actions and decisions.
  1. Fruits of the Spirit as Evidence of Lordship
  • Analyze how the fruits of the Spirit serve as indicators of a life led by the Holy Spirit and submitted to Jesus.
  • Encourage participants to reflect on which fruits they see in their lives and areas where they might grow.


  • Personal Reflection: Encourage participants to assess their relationship with the Holy Spirit and how it impacts their acknowledgment of Jesus as Lord.
  • Action Steps: Challenge participants to identify one area of their lives where they can submit more fully to Jesus’ lordship this week.
  • Prayer Partners: Pair participants to pray for each other regarding their submission to Jesus and their reliance on the Holy Spirit.

Closing Prayer

  • Pray for a deeper understanding of Jesus’ lordship and a greater sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s guidance.
  • Ask for empowerment to live out their faith boldly and effectively.

Additional Resources

  • Suggested readings on the Holy Spirit and Jesus’ lordship, such as “The Holy Spirit” by Billy Graham or “Jesus: The Greatest Life of All” by Charles Swindoll.
  • The Lordship of Jesus…Got Questions Ministry


This Bible study on “The Holy Spirit and the Lordship of Jesus” aims to deepen participants’ understanding of the Holy Spirit’s vital role in affirming and empowering the lordship of Christ in their lives. Through Scripture, discussion, and application, participants can grow in their relationship with both Jesus and the Holy Spirit, leading to transformative faith and living.

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