Just Ordinary Women

Just like the disciples, the women of the Bible were often ordinary individuals who were used by God in extraordinary ways. Despite living in a time when women had limited social or political power, many biblical women played pivotal roles in God’s plan for humanity. Their ordinariness highlights how God values and uses people from all walks of life, regardless of their status, gender, or background, to accomplish His purposes. Here are some key points that show how biblical women were often ordinary, yet were used by God in remarkable ways:

1. Mary, the Mother of Jesus

  • Background: Mary was a young woman from a humble background, living in a small village (Nazareth). She was betrothed to Joseph, a carpenter, and was not from a prominent or wealthy family.
  • Her Role: Despite her ordinariness, Mary was chosen to bear the Son of God, Jesus Christ. She accepted this responsibility with humility and faith, even though it meant facing societal shame, uncertainty, and immense responsibility.
  • Lesson: Mary’s story emphasizes that God often works through the humble and the seemingly insignificant, using their faith and obedience for His greater purposes. She exemplifies how an ordinary woman, through her submission to God’s will, became an extraordinary part of His plan. “And Mary said, ‘My soul glorifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant.'”
    (Luke 1:46-48)

2. Ruth, the Moabite Woman

  • Background: Ruth was a Moabite, a foreigner, who became a widow at a young age. She was an ordinary woman from a people who were often enemies of Israel. Her circumstances were difficult, as she had no security or future prospects after the death of her husband.
  • Her Role: Despite her hardships, Ruth displayed incredible loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi and to God. She left her homeland to support Naomi, and through her faithful actions, she became part of the lineage of King David and ultimately of Jesus Christ.
  • Lesson: Ruth’s story shows how God values faithfulness and loyalty, even in ordinary people and difficult circumstances. She was an outsider and a widow, but her integrity and devotion led to her playing a significant role in God’s redemptive plan. “Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.”
    (Ruth 1:16)

3. Hannah, the Mother of Samuel

  • Background: Hannah was an ordinary woman who struggled with infertility, a situation that brought her deep sorrow and social stigma. In her time, being unable to have children was seen as a personal failure and a cause for shame.
  • Her Role: Hannah prayed fervently for a child and made a vow to dedicate him to the Lord if her prayer was answered. God heard her prayers, and she gave birth to Samuel, who became one of the greatest prophets of Israel. Her faith and perseverance were central to the story.
  • Lesson: Hannah’s story is a powerful example of how ordinary women, through prayer and faith, can experience God’s grace. Her faithfulness in dedicating Samuel to God demonstrates her deep trust in God’s plans. “For this child I prayed, and the Lord has granted me my petition that I made to him.”
    (1 Samuel 1:27)

4. Esther, the Jewish Queen

  • Background: Esther was an orphaned Jewish girl raised by her cousin Mordecai. She lived in exile in Persia and, like many others, was likely considered ordinary and unimportant in the eyes of the ruling elite.
  • Her Role: Despite her humble beginnings, Esther became queen of Persia. When her people were threatened with extermination, she used her influence to save the Jewish nation, risking her life by approaching the king without being summoned.
  • Lesson: Esther’s story highlights how God can use ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances to accomplish His purposes. Her bravery and wisdom helped deliver her people, showing how faith and courage can turn ordinary women into heroines of faith. “And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this?”
    (Esther 4:14)

5. Deborah, the Judge and Prophetess

  • Background: Deborah was a woman in ancient Israel who lived in a time of oppression and chaos. Although women typically did not hold leadership positions, Deborah was both a prophetess and a judge, roles that were quite rare for women.
  • Her Role: As a leader, Deborah provided guidance and wisdom to Israel during a time of crisis. She led the nation to victory over the Canaanites, working alongside Barak, the military commander. Her leadership was vital to Israel’s deliverance.
  • Lesson: Deborah’s story is a testament to how God can raise up ordinary women, even in patriarchal societies, to lead and guide His people. Her wisdom and courage were essential in bringing peace to Israel. “Villagers in Israel would not fight; they held back until I, Deborah, arose, until I arose, a mother in Israel.”
    (Judges 5:7)

6. Mary Magdalene, the First Witness of the Resurrection

  • Background: Mary Magdalene was a woman from whom Jesus had cast out seven demons (Luke 8:2). She was not a person of wealth or status but became a devoted follower of Jesus after being healed by Him.
  • Her Role: Mary Magdalene played a crucial role as one of the first witnesses to Jesus’ resurrection. She was the first person Jesus appeared to after He rose from the dead, and she was tasked with sharing the news of His resurrection with the apostles.
  • Lesson: Mary Magdalene’s story shows how God entrusts ordinary people with extraordinary roles in His kingdom. Despite her troubled past, she became a key witness to the most important event in Christian history—the resurrection of Jesus. “Mary Magdalene went to the disciples with the news: ‘I have seen the Lord!’ And she told them that he had said these things to her.”
    (John 20:18)

7. The Samaritan Woman at the Well

  • Background: The Samaritan woman was an ordinary woman with a troubled past, living in a society that viewed Samaritans as outsiders. She had multiple husbands and was likely marginalized in her community.
  • Her Role: Jesus spoke to her at the well, offering her “living water” and revealing Himself as the Messiah. She became one of the first evangelists, sharing her encounter with Jesus with her entire village, leading many to believe in Him.
  • Lesson: The Samaritan woman’s transformation from an ordinary, marginalized person to a witness of Christ’s truth shows that no one is beyond God’s reach or use. Her story exemplifies the power of encountering Jesus and how even the most ordinary people can become vessels of God’s message. “Come, see a man who told me everything I ever did. Could this be the Messiah?”
    (John 4:29)


The women of the Bible were often ordinary in terms of their social status, background, or circumstances, yet God used them in profound ways to carry out His purposes. Their stories remind us that God does not look at human status or qualifications but at the heart. Through their faith, courage, and obedience, these ordinary women were part of God’s extraordinary plan, and their lives serve as examples of how anyone can be used by God.