Cast All Your Anxiety

Many of us are familiar with the words of 1 Peter 5-7…cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. I have dealt with anxiety, within my own life, with family members, friends and acauaintances. For many, it holds a tight grip on their everyday existence. 

My healing began when I visited  a doctor and he perscribed a nerve medicine. But the best perscription he gave me  was as I was leaving his office.  He asked me, ” Steve, do you believe in God? I don’t recall how I answered but I went home and poured the pills down the drain and spent my spare time reading the bible and other religiously oriented material. By the way some of it was new age but I kept returning to the bible and eventually I made the decision to become a believer in Jesus.  I was raised in a Christian home but church attendanve ended when I was 9 years old. I was 22 years old when I accepted Christ as my Saviour. 

As a side note, I had been praying that I would meet that doctor again and thank him for his life saving perscription. It was around 48 years later that I had the prayer answered and when I told him my story, he said ” Steve, you are giving me goose bumps.” I could see that he was touched by my story. 

But what does it mean to cast all your anxiety on him? The last part of this verse says, Because he cares for you. This he is Jesus. This is written to christians. I am going to be very blunt. Jesus cares about and loves intimately only those who believe on him and in him.  How do you love someone intimately? You have to spend time with them, you have to care about them, you have to love them unconditionally. Do you have an intimate relationship with Jesus? I have inserted links to other websites which describe intimacy with Jesus.

Intimacy With God, The Way To Fulfilment

Practical ways to grow intimate with Jesus

Intimate With Jesus


Romans 10:9; that if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved;

The blessing begins with a relationship with Jesus. Have you started that relationship? If not, why not? Why not start that intimate relationship, with Jesus, right now. 

Prayer for forgiveness to begin your relationship with Jesus.

Lord Jesus, forgive me because I am a sinner. I believe that you are the son of God, that you died and rose again and because you paid the penalty for my sins and for who ever will believe, I am forgiven and ready to start a new life. Thank you Jesus.

Read your bible and study. This is one of my favorite resources.

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